Competition Team
We are exited to announce we are starting our own competition team! See below for more information!
General Information
- Audition Day - July 24, 2024 - Competition Team is an auditioned group. - Students must be at least 8 years old on the day of auditions to participate. - The audition day is primarily to determine what level each student will be competing at. At auditions, students will have the opportunity to request a coach/choreographer to work with for the competition season. Studio Director will have the final say. - After audition day, flyers and parents will be required to have a meeting with the Studio Director to finalize the season specifics for said flyer: - Assigned coach - Assigned apparatus - Grounds class suggestions - Contract signing
- Performers will have the opportunity to request a coach/choreographer to work with. Unlike studio showcases, a performer's competition routine will be primarily choreographed for them by their assigned coach. - Routines will be choreographed with the student's skill and artistry taken into consideration, but also with the goal of being repeatable and clean. - Choreographers and performers will work together on deciding which music will be used for competition. Choreographers will have final say on routine elements and music choice. - Each performer will perform one routine for the entirety of the competition season. - Competition routine will be different from the student's showcase routine.
- Performers must be enrolled in at least 4 classes at InFlyte, one of which must be in their performing apparatus, one grounds class, and the competition team class (Fridays), and one of their choice - Performers will have a private lesson at least once a month with their assigned coach/choreographer. - Competition Team "class" will be once a week, focusing on technique and conditioning. - Competition Team will have their own separate showcase. - Extra rehearsals as the Director sees fit. - Performers will only be allowed a certain amount of excused absences a Flymester for both recreational and competition team classes.
Competition Team Tuition will cover: - Weekly competition class - Entry/Registration Fees for the season's competitions - 1 private lesson a month for the season (Additional lessons available) - "Uniforms" (Jackets, sweats, costumes, etc...) - Team application fee